Holland casino zutphen

Holland casino zutphen



    Anyone approaching Zutphen will be moved by its beautiful location on the water. Zutphen, the city with the striking towers and stately merchant houses; Curiosity about what lies behind it is already roused from a distance. Thus it is not surprising that Zutphen is visited, every year in summer as well as in winter, by hundreds of thousands of residents from the region and by tourists. Events, markets, a comprehensive selection of shops, restaurants, pubs, museums, and galleries, serve as a true magnet for the region.

    Hof van Heeckeren

    The grand opening of the Hof van Heeckeren took place in The Zutphen museums, Museum Henriette Polak, the Stedelijk Museum, as well as the archaeological services are brought together in this monumental building. The Hof van Heeckeren is to become the go-to location for history, cultural history, the visual arts and current affairs – all united under one roof. It is situated on the ‘s Gravenhof, Zutphen’s oldest square, and the place where the history of the Netherlands began, as this is where the Archaeological Services unearthed our country’s oldest human remains.

    • Fluisterboot Zutphen -  open electric or ‘whisper’ boat

      One of our ‘whisper’ boats will take you on a tour of the canals and the most beautiful spots on the Berkel river, all in a trip of just over an hour. Start and finish of the tour is in Zutphen’s town centre; the jetty on the Rijkenhage to be more specific. Your host and skipper will fill you in on the history of the Hansa town of Zutphen and the historical monuments on the route. Our 35 highly motivated volunteers have the skill it takes to navigate the complex obstacles and angles of the river and the canals, and are proper storytellers to boot! Between April and October, the ‘whisper’ boats sail out several times a day.

    • Guided walking tours  of the city

      We will take you to the stunning Walburgiskerk, the beautiful Drogenapstoren, the well-preserved city walls dating back to the 14th century and the picturesque enclosed courtyards. Join one of our walks and listen to the many engrossing yet humorous stories about the Hansa days, the Bourgognetoren and the Droge Nap. The serene quiet of the historical courtyards will surely captivate you as well. Take a trip back in time and get up close and personal with Zutphen’s unique history.

    Источник: thisisnl.nl