Holland casino spelen

Holland casino spelen



On every Roulette gaming table, you'll find a separate, oval betting area: the neighbours bet. This is where you play the neighbour game or series. These are a number of numbers lying together in the roulette cylinder. If you play roulette more often, you might develop a particular preference for a number series. By playing neighbours or series, you don't have to keep thinking about which numbers to bet on. It also allows you to cover multiple numbers instantly, spreading your chances of winning. Only the croupier can bet on the neighbour print for you.

Neighbours bet

With the neighbours bet, you bet on a number as well as the two numbers next to it on both sides. For example, if you bet on 23 neighbours, you will play for number 23, but also for numbers 8 and 30 (to the left of 23) and 10 and 5 (to the right of 23). So in total, you play with five chips on five numbers. If one of these numbers falls, you win 35x your bet!


On the neighbour print you will find four series: the zero-game, series 5/8 (small series), series 0/2/3 (large series) and the orphelins. With the series, you can easily play multiple numbers. What you get paid out depends on which number falls. We explain for each series how it works:

Series 5/8 (small series)
The 5/8 series is also called the small series. If you play this series, you bet with six chips on a total of twelve numbers: 5/8, 10/11, 13/16, 23/24, 27/30 and 33/ If a number from this series falls, you win 17x your bet.

Series 0/2/3 (big series)
Series 0/2/3 is known as the big series. You bet with nine chips on the following numbers: 0/2/3 (two pieces), 4/7, 12/15, 18/21, 19/22, 25/29 (two pieces) and the 32/


  • Does a split fall, say 21? Then you win 17x your bet;

  • Does a street fall, say 2? With a street you normally win 11x in your bet, but because you bet two in the big series, in this case you win 22x your bet;

  • Does a corner fall, say 25? With a corner, you normally win 8x your bet, but because you bet two in the big series, you win 16x your bet in this case. 

Zero game
With the zero game, you play a combination of seven numbers that lie around the 0. These seven numbers are next to each other in the roulette cylinder and you can play with four chips. You then bet on the numbers 0/3, 12/15, 26 and 32/


  • Does a straight up, say 26, fall? Then you win 35x your bet;

  • Does a split, say 3? Then you win 17x your bet. 

If you play the orphelins, you bet with five chips on the numbers 1, 6/9, 14/17, 17/20 and the 31/


  • Does a straight up, say 1, fall? Then you win 35x your bet;

  • Does a split fall, say number 9? Then you win 17x your bet;

  • Does the 17 fall? This one is 2x part of a split. So you win 34x your bet.

Источник: thisisnl.nl