Holland casino roulette tips

Holland casino roulette tips


The Hollandish Roulette System: A Detailed Explanation of the Strategy

When it comes to roulette strategies, the Hollandish Roulette System stands out as a fascinating approach that many gamblers have come to appreciate. Unlike many other systems, the Hollandish strategy doesn’t rely on rapid bet increases, making it a good alternative for those wary of aggressive betting. Instead, it employs a methodical progression, focusing on even chance bets. This article delves deep into the intricacies of the Hollandish Roulette Strategy, offering insights into its mechanics, benefits, and potential pitfalls. Whether you’re a seasoned roulette player or just starting out, understanding the Hollandish system can add a new dimension to your gameplay.

Hollandish roulette system

Overview of the Hollandish Strategy

The Hollandish Roulette System is a negative progression system, distinct from other strategies like the Martingale. Instead of doubling the bet after a loss, the Hollandish focuses on a series of three bets, often referred to as a “mini session”. The essence of this system is to increase your bets after a losing round, but at a much slower pace than other negative progression systems. This approach offers a lower risk, making it appealing to both newcomers and seasoned roulette players.

One of the core principles of the Hollandish strategy is to bet on even chance bets. These include options like red or black, odd or even, and high or low numbers. The progression is simple: if you start with an initial wager of $1, your subsequent bets in the Hollandish sequence would increase by two units, i.e., $1, $3, $5, and so on. The goal is to compensate for previous losses and achieve a net profit. However, it’s crucial to remember that like all betting systems, the Hollandish doesn’t alter the house edge. It’s merely a tool to manage your bankroll and structure your bets in a systematic manner.

Understanding the Principle of the Hollandish System

The Hollandish Roulette System is rooted in the concept of dividing your gameplay into blocks or sequences, often referred to as the “Hollandish block”. Each block consists of three spins, and the outcome of these spins determines the next steps in the strategy. Unlike other systems that react immediately to a win or lose, the Hollandish waits until the end of the three-spin sequence to make a decision.

Here’s a breakdown of the core principles:

  • Three Bets: Each Hollandish block consists of three bets. The outcome of these bets determines whether you move to the next betting level or stay at the current one.
  • Even Chance Bets: Always place your bets on even chance outcomes. This includes red/black, odd/even, or high/low.
  • Progression: If the mini session results in a net loss, increase your bet by two units for the next sequence. For instance, if you started with a $1 bet, your next bet would be $3, then $5, and so on.
  • Resetting: After achieving a positive outcome or net profit in a sequence, revert to your initial wager and start the process again.
  • Bankroll Management: Always be mindful of your starting bankroll. The Hollandish system can lead to increased bets, so it’s essential to set limits and ensure you don’t exhaust your entire bankroll.

While the Hollandish betting system offers a structured approach to play roulette, it’s essential to understand that no strategy guarantees consistent wins. The Hollandish method provides a framework, but the outcomes are still subject to the game’s inherent randomness.

How a Hollandish Game Works:

  1. Initial Bet: Start with your base unit on an even chance bet. This could be on red/black, high/low, or odd/even. For instance, if your base unit is $1, place this bet.
  2. Three Spins: Play three spins with the same stake. The outcome of these spins will determine the next steps in the Hollandish sequence.
  3. Assess the Outcome: After the three spins, evaluate your net profit or loss. If you’ve made a profit or broke even, you’ll reset and start again with your initial wager. If you’ve incurred a net loss, move to the next step.
  4. Progression: Increase your bet by two units and play another three spins. For instance, if your initial bet was $1, your next bet in the sequence would be $3.
  5. Reset or Continue: After the subsequent three spins, again assess your outcome. If you’re in profit, reset to your initial bet. If you’re still at a net loss, increase your bet by two units and continue the sequence.

The beauty of the Hollandish roulette system lies in its simplicity and structured approach. Players can easily track their bets and progression, making it a popular choice among roulette enthusiasts. However, like all betting systems, it’s crucial to approach the Hollandish with caution, understanding that while it can help manage your bankroll, it doesn’t influence the game’s odds or house edge.

Example of a Roulette Game Using the Hollandish Method

22No-31 – 2
32No-51 – 2 – 2
42Yes-3– 2 – 2
53Yes0– 2
63No-3– 2 – 3
73Yes0 – 3

Pros and Cons of the Hollandish System?

The Hollandish Roulette Strategy, like all other roulette strategies, comes with its own set of advantages and drawbacks. Understanding these can help players decide if it’s the right system for their style of play and risk tolerance. Let’s dive into the pros and cons of this intriguing betting system.


  • Structured Approach: The Hollandish offers a systematic way to play roulette, making it easier for players to track their bets and manage their bankroll.
  • Lower Risk: Compared to other negative progression systems, the Hollandish has a slower rate of bet increase, reducing the risk of huge losses in a short span.
  • Flexibility: Players can decide their initial wager and progression, allowing for a tailored experience.
  • Recover from Losses: The system provides an opportunity to recover from consecutive losses without needing a long streak of wins.
  • Simple to Understand: Unlike some other systems, the Hollandish is straightforward, making it suitable for both novices and seasoned roulette players.


  • Not Immune to Table Limits: Like other betting systems, players might hit table limits during long losing streaks, preventing them from continuing the Hollandish progression.
  • No Influence on House Edge: The system doesn’t change the inherent house edge of roulette.
  • Potential for Big Losses: If a player encounters a very long losing streak, the losses can accumulate, especially if they’re increasing their bets aggressively.
  • Not Suitable for High Stakes: Players looking to place high stakes might find the progression too slow or conservative.
  • Reliance on Even Chance Bets: The system is designed for even chance bets, limiting the variety of bets players can place.

While the Hollandish betting system offers a unique approach to playing roulette, it’s essential to weigh its benefits against its potential drawbacks. As always, players should play responsibly and set limits to ensure a positive gaming experience. We also recommend to only play at the best real money roulette sites.

Additional roulette strategy topics on worldcasinos.info

Источник: https://www.worldcasinos.info/online/roulette/betting-systems/hollandish/