Holland casino huisregels

Holland casino huisregels


Tips for playing

When you play in the casino, relaxation and fun should come first, regardless of whether you win or lose. It’s good to take a moment every now and then to (consciously) reflect on your gaming behaviour. The tools and tips below can help you make sure you keep gaming responsibly.

Gaming should always be fun

As a golden rule, you should never use games of chance as a solution for financial problems. To make sure you don’t allow this to happen, play with small stakes and cash out in good time. Keep playing for fun, and never play to earn money.

Set a budget in advance

Decide how much money you want to spend as a maximum before you start playing, and stick to the plan. Only play with money you don’t need: only spend the money that you set aside for gaming.

Accept your losses

Be aware that trying to win back any losses usually leads to even bigger losses. Don’t try to do so and keep playing responsibly: simply accept your losses.

Play when you feel good

If you’re in a bad mood, you’re more likely to take risks, so make sure you avoid playing at this time. If you find yourself getting irritated or overexcited while playing, take a break or do something else for a while instead. Only play when you’re feeling good.

Keep a clear head

Alcohol, drugs and games of chance are a high-risk combination. When you’re under the influence, you’re more likely to take big risks and make poor choices. Make sure you keep a clear head.

Don't listen to the voice in your head: Think clearly

“With my system, I’m guaranteed to win! Follow these steps and the wins will roll in! When I wear these shoes, I always win.” Do you recognise any of these thoughts? They are superstitions. Always stay aware that you’re dealing with games of chance, and that wins come at random.

Put your real life first

Visit the casino for a fun time. Don’t use it as a place to get away from your real life. It’s easy to forget your worries by playing a lot and playing often, but you won’t solve anything this way. If you’re worrying about something, go do something else: get outside, watch a movie or do other activities that you find enjoyable.

Set an alarm/timer

Setting an alarm or timer on your phone is an easy way to stay relaxed while gaming and to know when you’ve had enough.

Restrict your visits

If enjoying the game becomes harder and harder, this may be the start of a domino effect that can easily run out of control. We offer the option of restricting your visits or requesting an entry ban for yourself. For more information, see the visiting restrictions and entry ban section.

Источник: https://hc.nl/en/veilig-en-verantwoord-spelen/speeltips/