Directeur holland casino

Directeur holland casino


Two New Supervisory Directors Holland Casino

Two New Supervisory Directors Holland Casino

Holland Casino announced on September 15th that Alfred Levi and Cindy Kremer have joined the supervisory board.

Alfred Levi served as the Senior Vice President of Global Marketing & Media at Ahold Delhaize until Currently, he serves as a Supervisory Director at Hoogvliet, Griffon Holding, Ster, Scoupy and Plan International Netherlands. He was appointed as a Supervisory Director of Holland Casino as of September 1st.

Cindy Kremer has been the CEO of Vereniging Eigen Huis since and serves as a Supervisory Director at Atlant Zorggroep and Coroos Beheer. She was appointed as a member of the supervisory board of Holland Casino on April 14th.

With these appointments, which have also been approved by De Nederlandsche Bank, the supervisory board of Holland Casino is once again complete following the departure of Lysbet Donders and Jan-Willem Baud.

Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Willem Bröcker, commented on the appointments: "With the arrival of Cindy Kremer and Alfred Levi, the supervisory board is once again complete. This is important because Holland Casino is actively engaged in making plans for the future. We, as the supervisory board, want to contribute to that. The expertise of both new supervisory board members is crucial for this."

Following these appointments, the supervisory board of Holland Casino consists of five members: Willem Bröcker, Rozan Dekker, Diederik Karsten, Cindy Kremer, and Alfred Levi.

Profile Alfred Levi
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